Shar Pei Dog
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@ Nyi Nyi Tun Ask ownerNyilonelycompany
- Shar Pei Dog(Deep Wrinkles)Southern China
- Canis lupus familiaris Animal Mammals(Sand Skin)Cute,Pet
- 1 Draw Calls
- Mid-Poly
- Game Ready(Character)
- Subdivision Surface Ready
- 23-Animations
- 4K PBR Textures 1 Materials
- Unreal-Unity FBX
- Unity2022.unitypackage
- Obj File (Rest Pose)
- Blend File(3.6.5 LTS/ 4.2)
- USDZ File(AR Ready).Real Scale Dimension (Xcode,Reality Composer,Keynote Ready)
- Textures Files (.PNG)
- GLB/GLTF,Any importer Such-(Unreal-5 Plus Native Support,Godot,Adobe,AR,Lens Studio,Effector,Spline,Play Canvas,Omniverse,GDevelop,BuildBox.etc)
- Vertices-26512
- Faces-30757
- Edges-57258
- Triangles-52999
Diffuse,Metallic,Roughness,Normal Map,Specular,AO
The Shar Pei is a dog breed from southern China. Traditionally kept as a property guardian, the shar pei was driven to the brink of extinction in the 20th century. The breed is known in the West for its deep wrinkles, while a traditional less wrinkled form is maintained in Hong Kong..3D Shar Pei Animal Model By Nyilonelycompany.
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